Constitution and Bylaws of the Canadian National Master Retriever Club
As adopted on August 22, 2010 and revised on March 25, 2024
ARTICLE I NAME AND PURPOSE SECTION 1 The name of this Club shall be the Canadian National Master Retriever Club, herein referred to as "The Club". The Club has been incorporated as the Canadian Master National Inc. SECTION 2 The mission statement of this club shall be: (a) The Club is committed to hunting and the Canadian Kennel Club Hunt Test program as well as being devoted to the promotion, breeding, training and the best interests of Retrievers, Barbets, Poodles and Irish Water Spaniels. In order to carry out this commitment, dogs which are eligible according to the rules and regulations of the Canadian Kennel Club will be eligible to be tested once a year, in a non-competitive manner at the annual National Master Hunt Test Stake. This annual event will allow the talents of the dogs to be showcased in an atmosphere of good sportsmanship. (b) At the National Master Hunt Test Stake there shall be input from the three (3) judges who will represent three (3) of the four (4) zones of the country and there will be utilization of the terrain, bird placement and natural conditions to provide a significant challenge to the abilities of a master hunting retriever. (c) As a national caliber event, the requirements and rules pertaining to the National Master Hunt Test Stake should be strictly applied and the tests designed so as to maintain the high standard expected of retrievers participating in this prestigious event. (d) To exercise all powers now and hereafter authorized by law necessary to carry on the said corporation or to promote any of the objects of said corporation, all of which shall be conducted without pecuniary profit. ARTICLE II MEMBERSHIP SECTION 1 All CKC clubs that hold CKC Licensed Hunt Tests are eligible to belong to the Canadian National Master Retriever Club. SECTION 2 Upon receipt of the annual membership fee, a club shall forthwith become a member of the Canadian National Master Retriever Club. (a) Member Clubs have voting privileges for their Regional Director. (b) Member Clubs are eligible to host the National Master Hunt Test Stake. (c) Member Clubs are eligible to nominate a judge for the National Master Hunt Test Stake. SECTION 3 Each Member Club and Zone Director shall receive a copy of this Constitution and by-laws.
Constitution and Bylaws of the Canadian National Master Retriever Club
As adopted on August 22, 2010 and revised on March 25, 2024
ARTICLE III INITIATION FEES AND DUES SECTION 1 The amount of the membership fee (annual dues) may be changed through a majority vote at the annual general meeting held at the National Master Hunt Test Stake. ARTICLE IV RESIGNATION SECTION 1 Any member club in good standing and not indebted to this club may resign in writing at any time. Such resignation shall be effective immediately upon receipt thereof by the Secretary. ARTICLE V NON-PAYMENT OF FEES AND DUES SECTION 1 Membership dues should be paid by December 31 of the prior year. The Secretary shall notify any Member Club whose dues remain unpaid on January 1 of the current year. If such dues remain unpaid for sixty two (62) days after notification, such Member club shall be dropped from the roll of this Club. Any such club may apply for reinstatement by April 1 of that year, with payment of all dues in arrears. Note: If any Member Club has failed to pay their dues at such time as they host a Hunt Test event, any Master passes obtained at that test will not count towards qualification for that year’s Canadian National Master Hunt Test. ARTICLE VI SUSPENSION AND EXPULSION OF MEMBER CLUBS SECTION 1 The Board of Directors of this Club, by a two-thirds vote, may suspend any member club for conduct on its part which, in the opinion of that particular voting group, endangers the welfare or character of this Club. However, no member club shall be suspended without the opportunity to appear and defend itself. SECTION 2 If an emergency is deemed to exist by a majority of the Board of Directors, temporary suspension may be voted upon immediately upon motion made and seconded. If the member club does not request a rehearing before the Board of Directors within thirty (30) days, such suspension shall be permanent until the next annual meeting. If the hearing is heard before the Board of Directors, the suspension may be lifted by a majority vote, if the matters which led to the suspension have been rectified. SECTION 3 If no emergency is deemed to exist, at least thirty days notice shall be given the member club of the pending matter, specifying in detail the nature of the conduct in question. If the member club does not appear in person or in writing at the hearing set on the matter, suspension shall be imposed. Expulsion may occur at the next annual meeting, if the matters which led to the suspension have not been rectified to the satisfaction of the Board of Directors. If such matters have been rectified to the satisfaction of the Board of Directors, the suspension shall be vacated.
Constitution and Bylaws of the Canadian National Master Retriever Club
As adopted on August 22, 2010 and revised on March 25, 2024
ARTICLE VII GOVERNMENT SECTION 1 The Board of Directors shall be comprised of the Officers (President, Vice President, and Past President,) plus a minimum of eight (8) Zone Directors, who are residents of Canada, 2 Directors representing each the four (4) zones across Canada. The zones are: Zone I (East) Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec Zone II (Central) Ontario Zone III (Prairies) Manitoba,Saskatchewan, Yukon/North West Territories Zone IV (West) Alberta, British Columbia. The Board of Directors will elect a person or persons to the Office of Secretary and Treasurer. SECTION 2 The Board of Directors shall have full power to conduct the business of this Club and shall have complete control over its property, policies, and any and all of its business dealings. SECTION 3 The Board of Directors of this Club must be C.K.C. members in good standing and must be members of one of the Member Clubs. SECTION 4 The Officers shall consist of the following: (a) The President shall perform the usual duties of President, including presiding at all meetings of the Club and the Board of Directors. The term of office is two (2) years. Whenever possible the President/Vice President or Secretary should attend the National Master Hunt Test Stake. The President shall vote only in the case of a tie. (b) The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President during the absence or disability of the President. The Vice President shall become President two (2) years following his term as Vice President. The Vice President shall have one (1) vote. The Vice President is normally elected by and from the Board of Directors to encourage continuity. (c) The Past President shall vote and be an advisor to the Board of Directors. The Past President shall have one (1) vote. The term of this office is two (2) years. (d) The Secretary and the Treasurer will be appointed by the Board of Directors irrespective of residency. Both offices may be held by the same individual. The term of these positions will be at the discretion of the Board. These positions are non-voting positions unless they have also been voted in as a Director. SECTION 5 The Secretary shall keep a complete record of all Member Clubs and Directors with their addresses, and of all pertinent information. The Secretary shall notify the Member Clubs in writing of the date, time and location of the annual meeting of Member Clubs. The Secretary shall notify the Directors of any and all meetings. The Secretary shall be custodian of the records of this Club and perform all other duties customary to this office
Constitution and Bylaws of the Canadian National Master Retriever Club
As adopted on August 22, 2010 and revised on March 25, 2024
SECTION 6 The Treasurer shall collect and receive all moneys due to or belonging to this Club. The Treasurer shall deposit all moneys in such banks as shall be designated by the Board of Directors in the name of this Club. The Treasurer shall have authority to sign cheques for the withdrawal of funds from such accounts. This same authority is given to the President and/or Secretary. The Treasurer's books shall be open at all times for inspection by the Board of Directors or any Member Club. The Treasurer shall report to the Board of Directors at every meeting as to the condition of the finances of this Club. The Treasurer shall prepare a report of all moneys received and expended during the year, to be completed by January 31, and shall present the same to the President. Such report shall be presented to the membership at the succeeding annual meeting. The Treasurer shall perform such other duties as may be directed by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer may be bonded in such amount as may be determined by the Board, and shall have a limit of $1,000.00 on single-signature cheques.
An external audit of the Club’s financial statement may be required by the Board of Directors or by a 2/3 majority vote of member clubs at the AGM.
SECTION 7 Zone Directors will be elected as follows: annually, the Secretary will request that each Member Club submit one (1) name for the position of Regional Director.
This must be received by the Secretary by July 31st. The person who receives the majority of votes from that region will be elected to represent that Zone. In the case of a tie, the names will be resubmitted to the Member Clubs for a vote. The Secretary shall keep a record of this nomination and voting process and it shall be open for examination. Zone Directors must reside in the zone they represent. Terms of office shall be for two years. Whenever possible Member clubs should be encouraged to nominate persons who are active in Hunt Tests and who may be able to attend the Annual General Meeting at the National Hunt test.
SECTION 8 The new Board of Directors shall be announced at the Annual General Meeting held the day before the National Master Hunt Test Stake. The new Board of Directors shall commence their duties January 1, in the following year. SECTION 9 Vacancy in Office (a) Any Officer or member of the Board of Directors may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the remaining officers and directors at any time for violation of duty. Removal shall be deemed a vacancy in office. (b)In case of a vacancy in any office or of a Zone Director, that position shall be replaced for the balance of the unexpired term by a person chosen on majority vote of the remaining Directors, meeting the necessary residential requirements for the position. In the event of removal of the President, the Vice President shall preside. SECTION 10 The fiscal year of this Club shall begin on June1 and end on May 31 of each year.
Constitution and Bylaws of the Canadian National Master Retriever Club
As adopted on August 22, 2010 and revised on March 25, 2024
ARTICLE VIII MEETINGS SECTION 1 An Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors will take place each year on the day before the first day of the National Master Hunt Test Stake, at a location which shall be as close as practicable to the location of such test, and at such time as shall be designated by the President. In addition, special email or conference call meetings of the Board of Directors may be held provided there is participation by at least 2/3 of the Board of Directors. Such meetings may be called as follows: (a) By the President on ten (10) days' written or electronic notice to the Directors designating the time and place and stating the Purpose thereof or (b) Upon receipt of requests in writing or electronic form, from not less than three (3) Directors, in which case the Secretary of this Club shall call and duly give notice of a special meeting of this Club, stating the purpose, time and place thereof. (c) The Board will meet by email or conference call annually, two (2) to four (4) weeks prior to the annual meeting scheduled at the National Master Hunt Test Stake to discuss and determine the following: (i) the nomination and selection of the Board of Directors and Officers of the Canadian National Master Retriever Club; (ii) the location, dates and judges for the following year's National Master Hunt Test Stake; (iii) the host Club for the National Master Hunt Test Stake to be held two (2) years later. SECTION 2 The Annual General Meeting of representatives from Member clubs shall take place each year on the day before the first day of the National Master Hunt Test Stake, at a location which shall be as close as practicable to the location of such Test, and at such time as shall be designated by the President. All individuals who belong to a Member Club are invited to attend this meeting. SECTION 3 Forty (40) days' written notice of each annual meeting shall be given to each Member Club. SECTION 4 At the Annual General Meeting the following will be announced: (i) The Board of Directors and Officers of the Canadian National Master Retriever Club; (ii) The location, dates and judges for the following year's National Master Hunt Test Stake; (iii) The host Club for the National Master Hunt Test Stake to be held two (2) years later. SECTION 5 At the Annual General Meeting there will be a report to the group by:
Constitution and Bylaws of the Canadian National Master Retriever Club
As adopted on August 22, 2010 and revised on March 25, 2024
(i) A representative from the previous year's National Master Hunt Test Stake; (ii) The Marshal for the current year's National Master Hunt Test Stake; (iii) A representative from the Club hosting the next year's National Master Hunt Test Stake. SECTION 6 New business proposed at the Annual General Meeting will be discussed but decisions will be deferred until the following year's meeting to allow sufficient time for consideration by all Directors and member Clubs. SECTION 7 At the Annual General Meeting it will be proposed that the Club's financial statement as presented by the Treasurer be accepted.
ARTICLE IX THE NATIONAL MASTER HUNT TEST STAKE SECTION 1 For the purposes of conducting the National Master Hunt Test Stake, the country shall be divided into four (4) zones as follows: Zone I (East) Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec Zone II (Central) Ontario Zone III (Prairies) Manitoba,Saskatchewan, Yukon/North West Territories Zone IV (West) Alberta, British Columbia. SECTION 2 The site of the National Master Hunt Test Stake shall be rotated annually with the following order: Zone II, Zone III, Zone 1, and Zone IV. The site and host Club for the National Master Hunt Test Stake will be determined two (2) years in advance by the Board of Directors after evaluating proposals submitted by potential Host Clubs in the designated Zone. Proposals will be judged with regards to suitability of the available property and equipment, convincing evidence of a dedicated work force and the experience of the personnel involved. Notwithstanding the above, in the event the Board of Directors, after reasonable effort, is unable to obtain a suitable site in the prescribed zone for the National Master Hunt Test Stake, the Board may select a site in another region or use the same region in two [2] successive years. In selecting such a site, care should be exercised that the return to the prescribed system of rotation can be most promptly and easily accomplished. SECTION 3 Both the Host Club and the National Master Hunt Test Stake Committee shall follow, as closely as practicable, the policies and procedures for internal operations adopted by the Board of Directors of this Club. The National Master Hunt Test Stake Committee shall be defined as those members of the Host Club and others directly responsible for conducting the annual Hunt Test Stake. SECTION 4 In the event that any of the persons selected as judges is not able to serve, or
Constitution and Bylaws of the Canadian National Master Retriever Club
As adopted on August 22, 2010 and revised on March 25, 2024
resigns, the Board of Directors shall have power to make further appointments from persons meeting the qualifications. SECTION 5 Number of Contestants, Eligibility and Entry Fees 5.1 Guidelines (a) The National Master Hunt Test Stake shall be for dogs that have met the qualifications outlined in this Constitution. (b) This stake shall be run not more than once in any calendar year by a club formed for this purpose and duly accredited by the CKC. (c) At the conclusion of the stake, the Hunt Test Chair will name all the dogs that received a qualifying score. 5.2 Qualification (a) All dogs entered in the National Master Hunt Test Stake must have, or be eligible for, a CKC registration number or an Event Registration Number (ERN) or a Miscellaneous Certification Number (MCN). (b) Entry in the National Master Hunt Test stake shall include the following: (i) Any dog with a CKC Master Hunter title who has successfully completed 2 CKC Master Hunter passes at Hunt Tests hosted by clubs in good standing of the Canadian National Master Retriever Club, during the period from the closing date of the previous National Master Hunt Test Stake to the closing date of the upcoming National Master Hunt Test Stake. (ii) Any dog with an AKC Master Hunter title who has successfully completed 2 CKC Master Hunter passes at Hunt Tests hosted by clubs in good standing of the Canadian National Master Retriever Club, during the period from the closing date of the previous National Master Hunt Test Stake to the closing date of the upcoming National Master Hunt Test Stake. (iii) Any dog with a CKC Grand Master Hunter title. (iv) Any dog that qualified in the most recent National Master Hunt Test Stake. (v) Any dog that qualified in the most recent AKC Master/Amateur Master National Hunt Test.
5.3 Entries (a) The Hunt Test Secretary of the organization hosting the stake shall make entry information available to the owners of all qualified dogs. (b) Proof that the dog is qualified according to the conditions laid down in these regulations must accompany the entry form. (c) Entries will close no sooner than ten (10) days or latter than five (5) days before the start of the National Master Hunt Test Stake. The draw to determine running order will be held at that
Constitution and Bylaws of the Canadian National Master Retriever Club
As adopted on August 22, 2010 and revised on March 25, 2024
time. (d) Dogs which qualify at a test held within 7 days of the National Master Hunt Test Stake's closing date for entries would be eligible to enter the National Master Hunt Test Stake held the following year, provided the dog was not entered in the current year. (e) Entry Forms shall include the following: (i) Information regarding the stake (ii) Qualifications for entry (iii) Entry and other fees (iv) Date of closing of entries (v) Name and full address of person to whom entries are to be sent (vi) Date of test. (vii) Exact location with map (viii) Names of approved judges (ix) Prizes offered (x) Club name(s) and date(s) that the two required qualifying Owner Handler Master Hunt Test and/or Master Hunt Test scores were obtained. (f) Owners are to be advised that entries received after close will not be accepted. 5.4 Specifics (a) The National Master Hunt Test Stake shall consist of the following: (i) Two series of multiple land marks (ii) Two series of multiple water marks (iii) A minimum of two blinds and a maximum of three blinds on land (iv) A minimum of two blinds and a maximum of three blinds on water (v) An upland test (vi) An honour on land and an honour on water. (b) The word multiple means more than one, although triple marks are encouraged. (c) Every effort should be made to provide a realistic upland test. To this end, it is strongly
Constitution and Bylaws of the Canadian National Master Retriever Club
As adopted on August 22, 2010 and revised on March 25, 2024
encouraged that clubs use live birds and wild flushes at this test. (d) A controlled break is allowed on the flush (e) Situations must simulate natural and realistic hunting conditions and scenarios at all times. The National Master Hunt Test must capture the realism of hunting as much as possible. (f) Natural hazards, obstacles, hunting equipment and implements should be utilized extensively. (g) A numerical system of rotation will be utilized and administered by the Hunt Test Marshal and shall be set out in the Premium List. No dog shall run first more than once. (h) Handlers must shoulder or carry an empty shotgun or a reasonable facsimile on all marking tests. (i) All federal, provincial and local regulations pertaining to the handling of and use of birds and firearms must be strictly adhered to. (j) Except where such hunt test rules and regulations are inconsistent with any part of this section, the Hunt Test Rules, Regulations and Requirements adopted by the CKC for a Master Hunter test shall apply to with this stake. (k) Judges should bear in mind that this is a National event and the requirements and rules pertaining to Hunt Tests should be strictly applied and the tests designed so as to maintain the high standard expected of dogs participating in this event. 5.5 Organization and Field Committee The National Master Hunt Test Committee will consist of three individuals selected by the CNMRC or Host Club prior to the banquet. This committee's role is to offer advice to the judges (when solicited), to deal with any official and unofficial complaints or protests by the participants and to ensure that CKC rules and CNMRC rules and Guidelines are followed. The Chief Marshall will chair this 3 person committee. All members should be knowledgeable about hunt tests and familiar with CKC rules and CNMRC rules and guidelines. The members of this committee should not be running a dog in the National. However, if due to local circumstances, this requirement cannot be met, any such Committee member must not be involved in test design, planning or setup or interact with judges on requirements. 5.6 Judges (a) The number of judges at the National Master Hunt Test Stake will be three. (b) Each judge must have qualified a dog at least five (5) times in CKC Master Hunt Tests and/or CKC Owner Handler Master Hunt Tests and must have judged at least 6 CKC or AKC Master Hunt Test Stakes. (c) The Canadian National Master Retriever Club will choose and appoint the judges. CNMRC member clubs will be invited to nominate a qualified and willing judge from their zone to judge the National Master Hunt Test stake for the following year. Judges for the following year's
Constitution and Bylaws of the Canadian National Master Retriever Club
As adopted on August 22, 2010 and revised on March 25, 2024
National Master Hunt Test stake will be selected at or before the CNMRC’s Annual General Meeting one year prior to the event.
(d) A judge will not be selected from the Zone that is hosting the National Master Hunt Test Stake in that year. 5.7 Ribbons A distinctive red and white rosette with the CKC logo shall be given to all dogs that qualify at the National Master Hunt Test Stake. 5.8 National Master Hunter Title Dogs that qualify at the National Master Hunt Test Stake will be the awarded the title National Master Hunter and shall be entitled to place the letters NMH before its name. 5.9 End of Stake The Hunt Test Secretary shall, within 21 days of the completion of the National Master Hunt Test Stake, forward to the CKC the following: (i) The official catalogue marked to indicate qualifying and non-qualifying dogs, signed and certified by the judges and the Hunt Test Secretary; (ii) Entry forms for all qualifying dogs; (iii) All recording and listing fees set by the CKC.
ARTICLE X AMENDMENTS SECTION 1 These by-laws may be amended at any in-person, email or telephone conference call meeting of the Board of Directors but notice of any proposed amendments shall be filed in writing with the Secretary by a Director. Such filing must occur at least fifty-five (55) days prior to any such meeting. The Secretary thereof shall send a copy by mail or email to each Director, at least forty (40) days before such meeting. The Director may propose substitute amendments or may propose amendments to the proposed amendments by motion duly made and seconded at such Board of Directors' meeting. SECTION 2 An affirmative vote of two thirds of the Directors represented at any meeting shall be necessary for the adoption of any amendment, notice of which has been given in accordance with Section 1



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